SK no. 0005.27160238/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2020.01 - 16 Januari 2020 (mulai edisi Vol 1, No 1, Januari 2020) |
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Ekomabis Edisi Januari 2020Vol. 1 No. 01 (2020)In this first edition, editors present articles: Quality of service, products, price on satisfaction; Application of weighted product methods in the employee selection process; Analysis of the level of defects using the Six Sigma method; Effects of conflict and stress on performance; The influence of the work environment on motivation and discipline as well as its impact on performance; Analysis of quality improvement with Lean Six Sigma; The influence of locus of control, commitment, ethical awareness, independence of behavior; Fundamental Analysis and Systemic Risk on Stock Prices; Company value: debt, dividend and profitability policies.